Saturday, July 9, 2011


photo by Introduction Narmada Park is located in the Village Lembuah, District Narmada, West Lombok regency, about 10 kilometers east of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. Park which covers about 2 hectares was built in 1727 by King Mataram Lombok, Anak Agung Ngurah Karang Asem, as a place of ceremony Pakelem held every full moon Caka fifth year (October-November). In addition to the ceremony site, Garden Narmada is also used as a resting place of the royal family during the dry season. The name is taken from Narmadanadi Narmada, children are very sacred Ganges River in India. For Hindus, the water is a sacred element that gives...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sendang Gile Waterfall

This waterfall is located in the area of Mount Rinjani National Park is called Sendang Gila (read gile), because according to the story, local residents accidentally discovered this waterfall when the screwed crazy lion hunt in a village and then ran into the forest. Tourist sites more frequently visited by domestic tourists has a height of about 31 meters. This waterfall comes from the top of the cliff and fell into the river beneath. Basically relatively flat, so a lot of people who bathe under a waterfall. There is another waterfall locations in this location named Tiu valve. However, because the distance from Spring Gile long time (1 hour)...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bau Nyale Ceremony

Central Lombok regency is one of the Level II in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. In this area there is a coastal tourist area is very interesting and visited by tourists, both local tourists and foreign tourists. This area is Kuta Beach, located on the southern island of Lombok, about 65 kilometers from the city of Mataram. The beauty of this beach makes the tourists become fascinated watching its natural panorama. The water was clear and quiet make this beach ideal for swimming. Besides its natural beauty, Seger Kuta Beach also has another attraction that is no less exotic for tourists. Every once a year, between February and March,...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


If you ever imagine your body lying on the beach in Indonesia, on a beautiful white sand, sprinkled with exotic all-natural landscape, and bombarded the sunlight that warms the body, it is not wrong if you took a recreation and tourism were to Senggigi Beach on the Island Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of Mataram is indeed a tourist attraction famous for its beautiful beaches and naturalness. People often juxtapose the beauty of this beach with famous beaches on the island of Bali, like Kuta, Legian and Sanur. In fact, the beauty of Senggigi Beach is often portrayed exceed these beaches, because the...

Monday, May 9, 2011


PERISEAN is a traditional sport performed by people of Sasak Lombok. PERISEAN means shield (protective devices or repellent blow) opponent, battering is called a whip (Penjalin) are usually made of rattan while deterrent called Ende made of cowhide. PERISEAN yore is usually done by the people of Lombok (Sasak), namely sports at each other with a cane held in the dry season in order to ask for rain on the creator. The players who competed called Pepadu while the game system led by a referee who called Pekembar and well known builders pekembar contest called Pengadok.   In PERISEAN, the game will be immediately terminated if any of that...

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